Your goal is to save money but you arrive at the end of the month and discover that you don't have a single dollar left? Do you want to plan a trip but can't fit the costs into your budget? Do you want to reduce card expenses but are held hostage by it every month? Find out which habits make your money drain in this article.
Harmful habits for those who want to save money
Do not charge those who owe you:
Have you lent money to a friend or family member but are embarrassed to collect money if the person hasn't made the payment? Know that this habit prevents you from having money left over.
In the same way that the person had the courage to ask you to borrow money in a time of difficulty, have the courage to collect it because this amount will make a difference in your budget, and can even be applied to an investment and become income.
Don't ask for a discount:
Even though most digital banks offer cashback, that doesn't mean you shouldn't ask for a discount. Each amount saved is an additional amount in your account and in the end you will see that these amounts make all the difference.
Wait for the card's best day to buy:
Surely anyone who has a credit card has heard about the best purchase date, this is a bad habit. The best date to purchase is when you have money available for the purchase. This doesn't mean you can't use your credit card, but leave it to use when it's really necessary.
Shopping Hungry:
Going to the supermarket or using food delivery apps when you are hungry is a habit that will definitely make you spend more. Proven in research, making these purchases when you are hungry makes you want to eat different foods and in the end you won't have an appetite for all of them and much of this purchase ends up in the trash.
Not planning the family economy:
Wasting food or not saving energy is another habit that wastes your money. It may seem small, but added up over the course of the year, this waste amounts to a significant amount, especially at the current time where food in the basic food basket has seen a considerable increase.
Feeling guilty about saying no:
If you really intend to have your money left at the end of the month, saying no will have to be part of your routine. An unnecessary purchase, for example, ordering a pizza even though food is ready just because someone wants to eat or lending money to a friend to make a purchase that is not urgent, are bad behaviors for those who want to save money. Don't do things just because you don't know how to say no as this will drain your money.
saving money does not turn desires into goals:
Setting goals helps you focus on saving because this way you will have a goal to save. A higher education course, a trip or a property renovation are examples of goals that can help you save money in the name of a goal.
Do not increase the price for more than a year (freelance):
If you do freelance work, be aware that it must undergo price adjustments just as the market adjusts its prices. Over time, prices undergo adjustments and this adjustment must also be part of your services. Failure to make this price adjustment could lead to your budget falling behind.
Do not invest:
If you have money saved at home or even in savings, know that this habit drains your money. Even if saved, this money can yield much more than simply sitting idle. If this is your case, study investment applications according to your profile so that these values pay off and bring you much more income.
Not giving value to the money exchanged:
If you don't value coins or notes of lesser value, be aware that added up over time, you may be scared by the amount they will add up to. Value every piece of money that is in your account or in your wallet as these are the fruits of your effort and work and indeed have a lot of value.
Wanting what everyone has:
Falling for fads just because everyone uses them or has them is an excellent way to make your money go away. Many of these fads do not meet your needs and end up falling into disuse in a very short time and becoming a huge waste of money.
Talking about the problem and forgetting about the solution:
Are you or do you know someone who only focuses on problems? Know that this habit takes up your reasoning and wastes your energy unnecessarily, so spend this energy on solutions and this way you will reason better and direct your thoughts on ways to save money.