For those who never thought they could get a loan because they are self-employed and usually don't find any bank willing to lend them money for this reason, I present to you: online loans for freelancers. As the numbers of this type of professional have been growing in the country, more and more opportunities will arise for them. For example, according to Santander's data, in the year before last, in 2017, 30% of all professionals in Brazil worked in this way. And it is precisely about online loans for freelancers that I will talk about in today's article. If you are interested in the subject, join me! To facilitate your reading, I have divided this article into the following topics:

  • How does it work?
  • Is online lending for freelancers reliable?
  • Benefits of taking out a personal loan

Loan for self-employed workers: how does it work?

There are many people who have no idea that online loans for self-employed people are already available. This is because most people believe that no one will lend them money if they do not have a proven fixed monthly income. But as I mentioned at the beginning of the article, as the number of professionals has grown a lot in recent years, financial institutions are forced to provide this type of service. The entire process of obtaining an online loan for self-employed people is done using the score that the person has. And the bank makes this query using the CPF number: You must be wondering what a score is, right? Calm down, I'll explain it to you! This is a number that can range from 0 to 1000, obviously, the higher the number, the greater your chance of getting a loan. But this number can vary a lot, among the characteristics that the bank evaluates are:

  • Payment of bills on time
  • Your history with the bank in question
  • How do you behave in relation to registration data
  • Name at SPC and Serasa

Is the online loan for self-employed people reliable?

Because the online loan for self-employed people is completely carried out online, from analysis to the release of money, many people are unsure about it. Of course, you can't be too careful, but this isn't just on the internet, everywhere. Therefore, before making any movement or showing interest, check whether the website is certified by the Central Bank. Be aware of strange “rules”, for example, depositing the first installment before the loan is released. This is against the law!

Benefits of taking out a personal loan

There are several benefits to taking out an online loan for self-employed people. To help you convince yourself to make one, I'll mention some of the reasons why you can use it. Check out!

Credit card revolving

That a credit card makes life easier for anyone is nothing new to anyone, is it? Mainly for self-employed professionals who do all the management of their company alone. However, it is not always possible to pay the monthly bill after the 40 days determined by the bank. Result of this? Interest, interest and more interest. Interest accrual is the worst way for you and your business to lose money. But an online loan for self-employed people could certainly help you meet this amount at much lower interest rates.

Medical unforeseen events

The online loan for self-employed people It can also be used for any emergency there may be in your life. But specifically those related to health cannot be postponed. Therefore, take care of your health first, do not deprive yourself of any treatment due to lack of money. The loan is there for you!

Pay off a debt

No começo de qualquer negĂ³cio, Ă© muito normal que os profissionais se percam em suas contas e acabam gastando mais do que podiam, ou mesmo precisam comprar algum aparelho novo para conseguir um novo pĂºblico alvo.

In this way, with the online loan for self-employed you may have the chance to pay off all debts related to your business, as well as those related to your personal life. This gives you a much greater investment margin.

Would you like to know more about online loan for self-employed? So be sure to follow the other articles on the blog, I have lots of other news for you.